In honor of Check the Chip day, we asked veterinary professionals on the @DrAndyRoark Instagram to share their best microchip reunion stories. Here are two that prove the power of microchipping your pet.
1. The Florida cat that definitely has 9 lives
“I was at the Florida vet conference in 2013. My brother was pet sitting for me. He went out for the night, the front door didn’t latch properly and my kitty got out. We live close to some farmland and always see coyotes roaming.
It was really cold, (and) my cat has never been outside before. We also live close to a major highway. We felt so helpless being so far away and not being able to search for him ourselves.
About 48 hours later, I got a call from a vet clinic that was 2 hours north of my home town that someone had picked up my kitty! He had been driven over by 3 cars on the highway, (but) luckily only suffered minor road rash and some nails got torn off.
So thankful that someone didn’t just think he was a stray unowned kitty and took the time to take him to a vet and scan his chip! He was kept safe overnight until my brother was able to pick him up.” – @melski26
2. Even famous dogs can get luckier
(Photo credit: DarbeImages.com)
“I have an amazing (story) of a famous Pomeranian named Austin the Flyin’ Lion. Austin has been in movies, music videos, Olympic games and (he is) famous all over Venice Beach, CA. I was working at a day practice when a client brought in a little Pom that had been to the groomers’ and got a cut on his leg.
I was asking the (owner) about the dog’s (history) when he said he didn’t know much about the dog because his daughter found the dog in southern California. I asked if he ever had the dog checked for a microchip, and he said, “no.”
So I scanned the dog, and sure enough he had a chip. I called the microchip company and got the owner’s info. I called the owner, who started crying, and said I had his famous dog named Austin the Flyin’ Lion. He told me to YouTube him, and I could see who he was. The (owner) had moved back to Louisiana because he had been so lost without Austin.
He had been missing for over a year. Who knew I would find a famous dog in the Central Valley of California!” – @bummers1
Do you have a microchip reunion story to share?
Share in the comments below! Be sure to follow the @DrAndyRoark Instagram for your chance to be featured on the site.
Danielle is a veterinary practice manager and the founder of SnoutSchool.com, a website dedicated to teaching veterinary hospitals to use social media effectively. You can get her 5 favorite social media tools here, or follow her on social media to see excessive photos of her Brussels Griffon. She’s @DanielleSnout on Snapchat, Instagram & Twitter.