Level Up Your Exam Room Communication Skills
Have you struggled with training your team on how to communicate the value of your services, having confidence in their recommendations, or building trust with pet owners?
First, I want to tell you that you are not alone. In the 10+ years that I have traveled the world teaching communication and business leadership, I’ve heard these challenges come up time and time again.
We spend most of our time in the exam room or on the phone talking to clients. These conversations can shape the profitability of your business, and the satisfaction of your teams in their work. It’s time we really hone in on the things that hold us back.
That’s why I created this on-demand course.
I’ve condensed 17 of my most requested exam room communication discussions and lessons into one, comprehensive, flexible course that will allow you to train your teams in whatever way works best for your practice.
What is the course?
This course is a series of 5-10 minute video lessons ending with suggested discussion questions designed to:
- Make the entire team more comfortable communicating with pet owners in the exam room.
- Provide clear tools that can be discussed and implemented in a flexible way that fits your schedule and culture.
- Make learning fun and interactive to increase retention and relevance for your practice.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for ANYONE who works in the exam room with clients!
What’s included in this course?
One year of access to the Exam Room Communication Course! This course contains two different programs that can stand alone or be used to support each other for maximum staff engagement. The two programs are:
- Using Active Staff Training in Your Practice
The first section is a 1-hour modular course for practice leaders who want to run active training sessions in their practices. In this course, Dr. Andy Roark walks leaders step-by-step through how to draw their staff into active training sessions, make these sessions fun and memorable, and use the flexibility of this program to work with whatever time you have available.
- Exam Room Communication Toolkit
The second section includes 17 individual tools that your team can use when communicating in the exam room. They can be taught in order or individually and every video is less than 10 minutes long. Each video covers a specific communication skill and ends with discussion questions that guide positive team conversations.