Pets can’t talk, but they do have some sweet – and some questionable – ways of showing they care. We asked the @DrAndyRoark Instagram followers to tell us how they know their pets love them. Here’s what they had to say:
1.) “When she drops her slobbery, slimy Kong toy in your lap as you’re just trying to watch some TV.” – @redheadvettech
2. “Genuine happiness every time I come home.” -@brennasue1019
3. “When he barfs in your shoe.” @nebacon
4. “Purrs so loud that you feel them in your chest.” – @gizmondo1000
5. “21 years of loyalty and love…” – @maeelizabeth44
Danielle is a veterinary practice manager and the founder of SnoutSchool.com, a website dedicated to teaching veterinary hospitals to use social media effectively. You can get her 5 favorite social media tools here, or follow her on social media to see excessive photos of her Brussels Griffon. She’s @DanielleSnout on Snapchat, Instagram & Twitter.