Welcome to There, I Said It- a column where we give you, the reader, a chance to get something off your chest in an anonymous fashion. Be it embarrassing, frustrating, or just something you didn’t want to admit out loud, it still might make someone else having a bad day feel just a bit better. If you have a story of your own, unburden yourself at TISI@drandyroark.com.
By Anonymous
Dear pet owner,
Please do not wait until you are about to leave in 24 hours to get your critically ill pet seen. Now, if he was fine and then all of a sudden became sick, that is different. But your vague ADR (Ain’t Doin’ Right) dog that has been that way for a month should have been brought in a month ago.
I did have a lady leaving for Chicago the next day come in with a dog when she got home from work for excessive drooling. He then vomited in the clinic. This dog was still bright, alert and responsive and it was the first overt sign of a problem. I will work with this situation happily and do my best. She also arranged for him to be in her mom’s care, who brought him back immediately the next day as soon as he refused a meal – what I was hoping was acute gastritis was actually pancreatitis.
Both owner and her mom had planned ahead knowing we may keep him and were prepared for a pricey estimate. Their quick response and communication meant he was eating and went home next day.
But this is for the owners who have had a vaguely ill dog for a month or more coming in and expecting quick answers and fixes. I had an itchy dog present who was also not eating- and didn’t feel any guts where there should be guts. Microhepatica and blood work showing the liver has shut down. And another one today: “Fix her before we leave”- aggressive with lumpy kidneys and azotemia.
“But she won’t take pills, can’t you just give her a shot?”
“Sure, if I can hospitalize her.”
“No we don’t want that.”
If I hear “We are going on vacation” again I will scream, because that doesn’t change the fact your dog needs critical care. If cost is an issue because you are saving for vacation then put the dog to sleep. Don’t let it suffer while you relax on a beach.
End rant.
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