We’re currently celebrating #HappinessWeek on all the Dr. Andy Roark sites. Our team was in need of a smile or two, and figured you could use some as well! Today, we’re sharing some of our favorite music videos that have come out of the Vet Med community. Yes, this is a thing, and we’re here for it.
Who knew heartworm prevention could be so…FUN?
Written, directed, and even performed by Brynn of Brynn Zittle Cinema, this video might actually make you wish heartworm prevention came in human form.
The (vet student) struggle is real.
This is one of our favorites from Trusten of DrMoore.StudentVet. I mean, who HASN’T been up at 2am the night before a test stress-eating cheez-its to Adele?
If you’ve never worn an e-collar in a field and sang about it, well…then you’re not in this music video.
Kelsey Beth Carpenter brings us an ode to all the non-compliant post-surgical pet owners out there. Are we allowed to embed this video into all discharge instructions? Asking for a friend.
We hope these made you laugh, smile, smirk, or whatever it is you do when you’re entertained. Check out more fantastic content from these Vet Med creators in the links above!
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the DrAndyRoark.com editorial team.