Whether you are a receptionist, technician, or veterinarian; whether you work full-time, part-time, or do relief work; whether your children are babies, in school, or graduated and on their own, being a mom in the veterinary field is especially challenging. Being a mom is a full-time, all-consuming job, but you also have a career that… Read More
Why I Lost a Patient, But I’m Still Glad We Tried
I lost a patient today, a sweet little critter who was very well loved by his family. He was an older rabbit who died during surgery. I knew he was a poor anesthetic candidate. Rabbits don’t tolerate anesthesia well, especially when they are geriatric. In spite of this, I did the procedure anyway. I felt… Read More
The Day I Learned My Dad Really Did Listen To Me
First, let me start by saying that I love my dad. When asked who I admire most, my dad is the first person who comes to mind. However, sometimes my dad forgets I am not his little girl anymore and doesn’t always listen to my advice, especially about what to feed a dog. He thinks… Read More
What Happened When I Chose A Word To Change My Life
A couple of years ago, I heard about an alternative to the New Year’s Resolution. Instead of making a list of resolutions that will likely be broken by February (something I am very guilty of), you decide on just one word to focus on for the year. The plan is called “One Word that will… Read More
Was It a Failure Or a Success?
I have been a small animal veterinarian for over sixteen years. In all those years, I have had a lot of successful cases. Along the way, I have also had my fair share of cases I would consider failures. However, there is one case that stands out to me as the greatest success story of… Read More
How My Brother’s Eye Dilation Opened My Own
It was a Sunday afternoon in August 2002 and I was visiting my brother. He had just come home from a camping trip with his friends. On the camping trip, he was hit in the eye with a piece of firewood and was having vision problems in that eye. The emergency room referred him to… Read More