I am a veterinary surgical oncologist at a teaching institution. I’ve also spent three years in general practice and feel like I have a good relationship with my RDVMs (referring veterinarians), but recently, I read some things that have suggested some animosity between these two groups. And so, we decided to try to come together. Here are… Read More
What Not to Wear- Vet Edition
Veterinarians are professionals that work with animals. Usually sick animals. There are often multiple body fluids involved. This creates a tension in us. How do I dress professionally, knowing full well that I will soon be covered in feces, urine, anal sac fluid (I don’t even know what this stuff is called), blood and/or hair?… Read More
You Say Diva Like it’s a Bad Thing
This week, while over a bandage change or an extruded dog penis or placing a purse string in a dog’s rectum (hard to remember exactly what I was doing, but some veterinarian-related group activity), a few technicians were trying to describe one of the surgeons I work with. The description was not particularly flattering. I… Read More
The Grass Isn’t Always Grass on the Other Side
Okay, first of all, I am not sure if this blog is going to resonate with everyone. It could be one for the neurotic geeks. People like me. The ones who have a lot of themselves and their identities wrapped up in being a veterinarian. The ones who want their jobs to be perfect. When… Read More
Veterinary Medicine, Are You OK?
Veterinary Medicine, can I call you Vet Med? Great. Vet Med, are you okay? You are kind of freaking me out right now. Social media has been good for you in a lot of ways. Now you are blogging (case in point) and tweeting (@drsarahboston) and websites are happening and people are confessing their veterinary… Read More
The Bad Economics of Veterinary Medicine
It starts early. At least it did for me. I had decided to be a veterinarian when I was very young. Before I understood anything about money or the fact that the reason you work is related to making an income. Even once I got into veterinary school, I was incredibly naïve. It wasn’t until… Read More