I met a young technician once who was at the end of her rope at work: “I work with three doctors, and they’re out of control!” she said, desperate to get some advice. “They hate each other and now they refuse to work together. They won’t even take phone calls from clients who aren’t ‘theirs.’”… Read More
Work at A Vet Clinic? These Strange Things Are Likely in Your Purse
As a veterinary professional, you encounter a lot of strange, gross and obscure things throughout your work day. That’s all a normal part of the job… until you bring something interesting home with you. We asked the @DrAndyRoark Instagram followers to share the weirdest thing they’ve found in their scrub pockets or purse. 1. Poop. A… Read More
Humans of the Clinic: Dr. Sy
Welcome back to Humans of the Clinic, our newest column at DrAndyRoark.com. Our goal is to feature a person you know through your work who inspires you in any way great or small; it can be anyone- a co-worker, a client, a teacher, a mentor, an employee, some guy you see out in the parking… Read More
There, I Said It: Even the Perfect Euthanasia Still Hurts
Welcome to There, I Said It- a column where we give you, the reader, a chance to get something off your chest in an anonymous fashion. Be it embarrassing, frustrating, or just something you didn’t want to admit out loud, it still might make someone else having a bad day feel just a bit better. If you… Read More
She Was “Just” a Clinic Cat
She was the first face most people saw when they entered the veterinary clinic and everyone knew her name. Some days she was friendly and eagerly greeted those who entered, other days she didn’t even bother to look up. No matter her mood, everyone loved her. She was Chloe the Clinic Cat. Most of our… Read More
Can You Tell if Your Dog’s Bee Sting is an Emergency?
What happens if your dog gets stung by a bee? Dr. Andy Roark shares some helpful tips in this episode of Cone of Shame. Know what a normal reaction looks like… via GIPHY …But don’t take these symptoms lightly! via GIPHY What are early symptoms of anaphylactic shock? via GIPHY Important: If you see any… Read More