Dogs need exercise, but it’s not always easy to get outdoors. Whether the weather is bad, you’re stuck in a 5th floor walkup, or you just don’t have time to get away, Dr. Andy Roark has five tips will help keep your dog active, even when you can’t get out to the park. Read More
The Crisis in Veterinary Medicine: Helplessness
A recent discussion about online reviews led me to an epiphany. I think much of the mental health crisis in veterinary medicine stems from feelings of helplessness. We are consistently at the mercy of others and feeling forced to act against our will. While some of these scenarios are just part of the job, there… Read More
6 Awkward Phone Moments Only Veterinary Professionals Will Get
Talking perfectly on the phone at work? Not realistic. Here are a few veterinary professionals that were willing to admit the blunders and – sometimes literal – hiccups they’ve experienced on the @DrAndyRoark Instagram. 1. When pets have human names… Me: “Hi this is Tiarah calling from Alta Vista Animal Hospital. Is Chelsea available?” Client: “Um yeah,… Read More
What Keeps Techs In the Field?
Some of you may have read a recent article I wrote “Four Reasons Techs Are Leaving the Field.” If you haven’t, I’ll give you the cliff notes version: Underutilization, low pay, compassion fatigue and toxic teammates and work environment are huge contributors to technicians deciding to find another field to work in. That article seemed… Read More
You MUST SEE This Hilarious Animal Shelter Commercial
Just thinking about the song “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan can make most pet lovers eyes fill with tears. Instead of going that route to promote the importance of adopting pets, Atlanta’s Furkids Animal Rescue and Shelters tried something a little less expected. The results are hilarious. Read More
Stop! Read This Before Bandaging Your Pet’s Wounds
Did your dog or cat manage to get a cut? Your first inclination might be to put a bandage on it. In this episode of Cone of Shame, Dr. Andy Roark explains why that’s not always the answer. 1. Wounds can become worse than they initially seem. via GIPHY 2. Not all wounds are the… Read More