In the midst of the emotional trials of the start of my small animal rotating internship, I needed a way to escape on my days off. The siren song of binge watching mindless television was inescapable, and I turned to that old standby Grey’s Anatomy. During vet school, my friends and I watched Grey’s –… Read More
Fuzzy the Cat – A Christmas Story
It was Christmas, 1997 and I was living in Edmonton, AB. There were three vets at the small animal practice where I worked. The boss and owner was named Sue, but I’ll call her Schmoo, because that is what I called her when I was not speaking directly to her. My husband decided to go back… Read More
This Is Why Pets Are NOT Presents
Giving a pet as a present is like gifting someone with a job they don’t want. Pets are a huge responsibility, so think twice before giving one as a gift. Share the video below with anyone who might be considering a pet as a present. Video courtesy of Vetstreet. Read More
7 Self-Care Tips Every Veterinary Professional Needs
Practicing self-care is a key part of maintaining your mental health as a veterinary professional. We headed to the @DrAndyRoark Instagram to find out what you do just for yourself. 1. “Take a pee break! Don’t hold it in.” – @nebacon via GIPHY 2. “All the exercise!” @tin_sta_gram via GIPHY 3.”Find a really good wine… Read More
The Vet Who Cancelled Christmas
When I was in high school, I was part of a very special Christmas tradition. The concert choir at Largo High School auditioned and was selected to participate in Epcot Center’s Candlelight Processional. We arrived by bus to the theme park and were quickly removed to backstage to rehearse. Hundreds of high school students from… Read More
Christmas Miracles Do Happen- Here’s Proof
“Are you sure?” I replied when I found out. Tears rolled down my face. This had never happened in my career. How could I tell Tanner’s family? I could not believe this was happening. It’s one of the hardest parts of my jobs as a veterinary cancer specialist. Clients who want to treat their dog… Read More