Over a decade ago, I visited friends up in Georgia, and they served sautéed asparagus with dinner. I made a joke about asparagus pee, and my friend said, “Oh, I don’t get that. People talk about it, but I’ve never had it”. We spent the next few minutes in a cheerful (and dinner inappropriate) conversation… Read More
Search Results for: buisson
Humans of the Clinic: Dr. Deborah Edwards
Welcome back to Humans of the Clinic, our newest column at DrAndyRoark.com. Our goal is to feature a person you know through your work who inspires you in any way great or small; it can be anyone- a co-worker, a client, a teacher, a mentor, an employee, some guy you see out in the parking… Read More
Coping With Vet Shaming
One of the hardest things about being a doctor is constantly being told you are wrong. Our clients tell us that Dr. Google, the breeder or their mother says so. Our colleagues debate online as to whether allowing clients to decline presurgical bloodwork makes you a bad doctor. If you do shelter or spay/neuter clinic… Read More