What is it like to work in a veterinary clinic? You’ll never eat a hot meal (and some days you won’t eat at all). You’ll never have time to go to the bathroom. You’ll smell all day from the urine, poop and vomit that’s on your scrubs. You’ll get yelled at by clients over the… Read More
There’s No Such Thing As “Free” Kittens
As spring and summer heat up, it literally appears as though kittens are a dime a dozen. Yes – it can be easy to adopt a kitten with little or no adoption fee, but that’s just the start of cat ownership. Although the cost of a cat can seem little up front, Dr. Andy Roark has 3 big… Read More
Does Fear Stop Us From Helping Those Who Need it Most?
I practice in a very blessed land. One where I am right down the road from a night and weekend emergency clinic and there are no less than 4 specialty and referral centers within a 15 mile radius. I am never on call and I can always offer my clients the best possible care for… Read More
7 Things Vets Wish Cat Owners Knew
There’s a lot to know when it comes to caring for a cat. We headed to the @DrAndyRoark Instagram to see what veterinary professionals wish clients knew about their feline friends’ health. Here’s what they had to say: 1. They aren’t vegetarians. via GIPHY suffikatie: I don’t care how much of a hippie you are, your… Read More
3 Lessons I Learned From Having a Veterinarian Father
Nearly every kid wants to be a veterinarian at some point in their childhood. I went through my own phase, before realizing maggots and anal glands would be involved. I was fortunate enough to grow up with a veterinarian for a father, though, and that undoubtedly shaped me. Although I haven’t completely followed in my… Read More
Vets Read Bad Pet Advice – Part 3!
The internet is a scary place for getting advice about pets! Some people have very strong opinions that simply aren’t supported by facts, research, or even common sense. In our Vets Read Bad Pet Advice series, we partner with Vetstreet.com to dredge up some of the Internet advice that fits this description and get veterinarians… Read More