Hey veterinarians, good news! Dr. Andy Roark presents a fool-proof guide to keeping your technicians irritated for the whole day! No need to thank us, just make sure you do number six frequently and with gusto! [tweetthis]How to annoy the #VetTechs in your practice [/tweetthis] Read More
Should You Treat a Patient as if it Were Your Own Pet?
Should a veterinarian treat a patient as if the pet were her own? Last year I was asked to do just this by clients I had just met. But making decisions as if a pet is your own is hard thing to do. What I may choose for my pet may not be right for… Read More
Why Practice and Family Aren’t Enough
My wife and I are having a really stressful week. You see, she has taken up curling (you know, the Olympic sport that looks like shuffleboard on a hockey rink), and she’s practicing like mad for a big tournament. Meanwhile, over at the improv comedy club, I’m coaching nine amateur comedians for their upcoming performance… Read More
4 Childhood Lessons To Be Happier
Many of us can fondly recall times we spent playing as children. What stands out most in those memories? We were… happy! And all too often as adults, that feeling of pure happiness is missing. What can we learn from these memories? Is there a way to extract some of the juices of childhood happiness… Read More
She’s Just A Vet Tech
JUST a Vet Tech greeted you at the door with a smiling face, even though we’ve been running around for 11 hours straight. Your pet was assessed by JUST a Vet Tech and, when we noticed he wasn’t stable, JUST a Vet Tech carried your 70 plus pound dog to the back and screamed for… Read More
Why I Don’t Cry at Euthanasias
“I don’t know how you do this. It must be so hard.” Inevitably, a client will say this to me when I come to their home to euthanize their pet. My stock answer (which is completely true) is that I’m a basket case when it comes to losing my own pets, so if I can… Read More