I don’t know where I got the idea that the point of younger life was to set yourself up so that older life ran on autopilot, but I was pretty sure this was how things worked. It’s not that I didn’t think life would be challenging after the age of 40. It’s just that I… Read More
The Three Most Wanted Traits in a Vet Professional
Last week I asked a group of about 30 medical directors to do a thought experiment with me. I asked them to imagine that their hospital was going to hire someone and that they get to request one characteristic or attribute for the new hire to have. I broke them up into small groups and… Read More
Burnout: The Problem with Fitness Influencers
Let me start by saying that this post is about veterinary medicine… I promise. One of the things I find most interesting about the internet is how it always skews to the extremes. Take fitness for example. The core tenets of exercise are pretty boring and haven’t changed much in the last 50 years. Sure… Read More
Perfectionism: How I Got it Wrong
There’s a saying in veterinary medicine about how half of what we know is wrong… we just don’t know which half. It’s impossible, after all, to continually learn things without disproving or (more commonly) significantly expanding on things we once thought were complete truths. I was reminded of this fact recently as I reflected on… Read More
Your Bio is Probably Terrible. Here’s Why
As the owner of a veterinary conference, the host of two podcasts, the founder of a website that’s published thousands of articles, and a mentor of any veterinary professional who decides to flatter me and then ask me questions, I read a lot of bios that veterinary professionals write to explain who they are. The… Read More
5 Pieces of Advice for New Veterinary School Grads
Imagine a brand new veterinary school graduate walking past you and out of the graduation ceremony, degree in hand. Just before they pass out of the building and into the blinding sunlight beyond, they pause and turn back to you. “Do you have any last pieces of advice?” What would you say in this brief… Read More