Whether we like it or not, touch screen checkout questions about whether we would “like to add a tip” to our purchase have become the norm. We’re asked if we want to tip at fast food restaurants, grocery stores, plumbers, online retailers, stadiums, and even self-checkout machines.
I’m personally tired of being asked to tip every time I get my wallet out, but I do appreciate the ability to tip when I feel I have received exce?lent service and know the tip will go to the workers who made that happen.
We know veterinary paraprofessionals can make a huge impact on both their patients and on pet owners. They go above and beyond what is expected again and again. We also know that they deserve to make higher wages than they typically do. Is it possible that tipping could make sense?
Maybe it’s time we ask pet owners if they would like to tip the providers who took extra-special care of their pets. May?be tips would help our staff feel more appreciated for the work they do. Maybe it would just make cash strapped pet owners angry.
I think it’s at least time for us to consider the question. What do you think?