In the ups and downs of life, we have good years and bad years. Some years are like a dream you never want to leave, filed away in the wistful memory banks as “The Amazing Summer of 2011” or whatnot, and others are particularly nightmarish beast-years you want to set on fire and never mention again…. Read More
10 Ways To Stay Sane in Our Crazy Field
I just returned from a speaking engagement in Indiana where I educated young veterinarians about self-care. We talked about compassion fatigue, euthanasia, assertiveness and stress relief techniques. I flew home at night. Because of weather delays, I didn’t see my bed until 1:30 am. This is past my bedtime. I had the sense to take… Read More
The Veterinarian’s Holiday Survival Checklist
Where did the year go? I need three more Augusts (minus the sweltering heat here in Florida) to catch up! The holidays are always stressful, even for those of us who love them. We have a tendency to do everything possible to make the holidays harder than they have to be. Here are a few… Read More
I’m Insecure But That’s OK. For Now.
Everyone says that your first job out of school is the most important. It “sets the standard for how you practice throughout your career.” When I was in vet school, I knew exactly what my first job would be. I would work at a multi-doctor practice owned by one of my excellent mentors. I’d always… Read More
4 Childhood Lessons To Be Happier
Many of us can fondly recall times we spent playing as children. What stands out most in those memories? We were… happy! And all too often as adults, that feeling of pure happiness is missing. What can we learn from these memories? Is there a way to extract some of the juices of childhood happiness… Read More
Stress Almost Drove Me Out Of Vet Medicine
I just read yet another article on Compassion Fatigue passed along by yet another vet who has considered giving up the PROFESSION over job-related stress. While that might sound silly to some people, it’s a very real indicator of how intense stress in our field can be. I first considered that I might not be… Read More