Many define the ‘Millennial Generation’ as those having been born sometime in the 1980’s through the 90’s. This generation is used to instant results, changing technology and an attitude of working smarter, not harder. In certain definitions, I find myself part of this generation- although I do remember my childhood rotary dial phone, waiting for my… Read More
6 Steps to Make Your Pet’s Nail Trims Easier
Nail trims can be a scary experience for some cats and dogs. That’s the last thing we want! With time, patience and a LOT of treats, you can get your pet on board with nail trims. In this episode of Ask Dr. Andy, Dr. Roark reveals some simple steps to help make nail trims easier. 1…. Read More
The Truth about E-Cigarettes & Pets
The chances that pet owners have e-cigarettes in their homes is on the rise. In 2015, it was estimated that 10% of American adults “vape”, or smoke e-cigarettes. In this Ask Dr. Andy episode of the Cone of Shame show, Dr. Roark explains 3 reasons e-cigarettes can be a danger to pets. 1. E-cigarettes are powered by rechargeable batteries, which can cause… Read More
Top 5 Ways Veterinarians Infuriate Front-Desk Staff
Working at the front desk of a veterinary hospital is already a hard job. Sometimes, veterinarians do things to make it even harder. In this video from, Dr. Roark gets real about the top 5 things vets do that drive the front desk crazy. 5. They don’t prepare clients for the bill. via GIPHY |… Read More
Adele Parody Supports Shelter Animals
When you have an important message, say it with Adele. The Northeast Ohio SPCA teamed up to create this parody, “Hello from the Shelter Side,” reminding us all that shelter pets need our support… And that even after you hear it 200 times, this song still gives you shivers. [tweetthis]The best way to support #ShelterPets? Adopt!… Read More
What I Wish I’d Said to Dr. Paul Nicoletti
Last month I was at a veterinary conference in Orlando when I ran into Paul Nicoletti, DVM. His hair was thinner than I remember and he moved a little more slowly, but he still had his warm, magnetic smile. When he saw me, he cut across some heavy foot traffic with a spryness that was… Read More