An article caught my eye the other day. It told the story of a vet, Jian Zhicheng, who worked at an animal shelter in Taiwan. She had euthanized 700 animals in two years – many of whom were healthy and perfectly adoptable. The fact was there was no space to keep them and no one to… Read More
The Words I Can’t Take Back
“Sometimes I really hate you!” I said to the writhing Dachshund in my arms. He didn’t care. He kept wiggling madly as is his habit when I catch him trying to take off from the yard. Because of his cognitive dysfunction, he sometimes refuses to pee outside. He gets all jittery, tries to run past… Read More
How I Got Past Being a Terrible Person
I have been lucky enough to have survived this field for 14 years. Not only have I survived it, I have been able to keep my passion alive. I wake up every morning knowing I am doing what I love. It wasn’t always this way. There have been several points in my career that I… Read More
5 Ways Raising Dogs Made Raising Kids Easier
Like many animal people, I’ve always felt way more comfortable in a pile of puppies than a pile of kids. They made so much more sense to me. It didn’t stop me from having (and adoring) two kids of my own, but the truth is that sense of unease never went entirely away. I was… Read More
Ask Andy: How Do I Defeat Dr. Google?
Hey Andy, It seems like every day clients are walking in with worse and worse advice they found online. I cringe every time I open the door and someone is sitting there with a huge stack of papers they (or their breeder) printed out from a random website. It’s getting harder and harder to convince… Read More
UPDATE: AVMA on the Gender Wage Disparity and the Starting Salary Calculator
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has been under fire recently for their online release of the New Graduate Starting Salary Calculator and the way it highlighted the gender wage disparity. Although we know the wage disparity is not the fault of the AVMA, I was disappointed that their new tool seemed to promote acceptance of the… Read More