Having a baby is a life-changing experience for everyone involved, including your client’s pets. Just as they’re preparing for baby’s arrival, their dog needs advance preparation for this big change, especially if their dog has not spent time around children. With so much incorrect information available via Dr. Google we have to remember that our… Read More
The World’s Most Horrifying Christmas Sweater
My parents had a black standard poodle named Connie. Connie was short for Lady Constance of Boston Manor. (My parents are British and funny and love dogs.) Like most standard poodles, Connie needed regular grooming at what my mom likes to call the “poodle parlour”. Somewhere along the way, my mom learned that you could… Read More
These 5 Veterinary Elves on Shelves Will Make Your Day
Turns out there’s YET ANOTHER species showing up in veterinary hospitals. Check out the creative Elf on the Shelf work these vet clinics have put in! 1. Paging Dr. Elphie 2. A furrier breed of elf 3. Did someone update his weight in the chart? 4. Even elves need caffeine to handle… Read More
One is the Loneliest Number- and We Can Fix It!
When I sat down to share these thoughts, that classic song found a home in my ear. I just can’t think of any feeling that’s lonelier than feeling alone when you’re in the middle of the treatment room of a busy hospital. That’s how I felt, though, back in the summer of 2010. You see,… Read More
Are You Failing Your Patients in This Major Way?
There needs to be a shift in veterinary medicine, and it can’t happen too soon. It isn’t about the medicine. It is about the way we view our patients. And it is all about behavior. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I earned a shiny degree in veterinary medicine and started… Read More
A Giving Tuesday Story To Make You Smile
In honor of #GivingTuesday, the team at DrAndyRoark.com are proud to share a guest post from one of our favorite groups, The Grey Muzzle Organization. In this season of giving thanks, The Grey Muzzle Organization would like to share with you the story of one of our grant recipients. Meet Howard, A VERY GRATEFUL DOG… Read More