There’s a lot of great information on the Internet, but there are also plenty of myths. In this episode of Cone of Shame, Dr. Andy Roark debunks some common ones. Want more information about your pet’s health? Subscribe to the Cone of Shame YouTube channel for more! Read More
Why This Vet Doesn’t Want a Dog
Close your eyes and picture a veterinarian’s home life. What do you see? I bet that your scenario includes a menagerie of animals, including at least one dog, perhaps even a small farm or sanctuary. I’m willing to wager you are definitely not picturing someone with no pets at all. Clients and new acquaintances love… Read More
Do You Battle the Beast of Burnout?
Today I woke up and I felt like a stranger. I was utterly exhausted. When the alarm went off I pulled the covers over my head trying to drown out the sound of my alarm. I wanted the conviction of being able to hit snooze, but I knew it was only prolonging the inevitable. Nothing… Read More
There, I Said It: I Asked For Help for Mental Illness
Welcome to There, I Said It- a column where we give you, the reader, a chance to get something off your chest in an anonymous fashion. Be it embarrassing, frustrating, or just something you don’t want to admit out loud, it still might make someone else having a bad day feel just a bit better. If you… Read More
What Is a Vet Doing at a Human Hospital?
When someone discovers that I am a veterinarian, typically the next question they ask is, “What kind of veterinarian are you?” I will admit that I tend to have some fun with answering this question. I tell them, “I’m a veterinarian who works over at the human hospital.” Usually following a brief moment of pause,… Read More
3 Myths About Cat Food That Need To Be Busted
There’s a lot of misinformation about cat food out there. In this episode of Cone of Shame, Dr. Andy Roark busts 3 myths about the food your feline friend eats. Want to learn more about your pet’s health? Subscribe to the Cone of Shame YouTube channel for more videos like this one! Read More