It happened again. A family could not afford the care of their pet and the veterinarian offered relinquishment instead of having to euthanize the animal. It should be a feel-good story. It should make you say, “Wow that veterinarian is so nice to do that for that animal instead of euthanizing.” But instead, people get… Read More
Life With Clients
5 Lessons I Learned From Losing My Own Pet
I’ve been working in the veterinary field since I was 15 years old. I witnessed my first euthanasia just two hours into the job. It struck me in that moment, even at my tender age, that this would be the most important aspect of my job. And it is. Saving lives is wonderfully satisfying, and… Read More
That One Time You Needed Me and I Wasn’t There
Remember that time that you needed me to help out you and your pet and I didn’t do it? I remember that too. I think about it from time to time, and not just when I see you on the street or I’m looking at reviews on Yelp. Read More
My Mistake Killed My Cat
Last week I experienced the worst day of my career. Actually, it rivals the worst day of my life. Read More
These Are My Thoughts When I Lose a Patient
Yesterday I lost a patient. I wasn’t even there.
It all started last week. He came in for vomiting. His x-rays were inconclusive. We decided to treat him symptomatically with IV fluids and repeat radiographs. They were still inconclusive, but the vomiting had stopped and he was eating and acting normally. We sent him home. Read More
How I Respond Every Time a Dog Hurts a Child
Any time I hear of a dog injuring or killing a child, my heart breaks. As a human, it breaks for the child, who has either been physically and emotionally scarred or taken from this earth far too early. Read More