There are several lessons that cross over from our personal lives into veterinary medicine. I am going to go full-on nerd here. But some of the greatest lessons that I have learned in life came from superheroes. Whether they were in comic books or on the silver screen, we all want to be something bigger… Read More
The Consequences of Our Actions
We do it sometimes without thinking. Maybe it is instinct. Maybe we don’t realize we are doing it. But as veterinarians, our actions and responses can create a domino effect for fellow veterinarians and ourselves. What exact action am I talking about? Well, that is the action of inadvertently misinforming clients. Again, I don’t think… Read More
The Toxic Relationship Everyone Is In Right Now
You know how people say that they have a “work wife” or a “work husband”? Well, I have a “work Mom”. My accountant has absolutely no problem hitting me between the eyes with financial truthiness. She’s everything I could possibly want in an accountant: wise, analytical, invested in me and my business. But she’s also… Read More
In Defense of Laziness
Stereotypes. We all encounter them every day; from strangers we pass on the street, from clients we see in the clinic, from colleagues at work. Most of us don’t think of being stereotyped by our family, but even within our own homes, stereotypes flourish. We’re the pretty one or the smart one, the funny one… Read More
What I Learned from Quitting
Years ago, I felt burned out at my job and so I quit. It was a hard thing for me to do. I’m not really a quitter; I always push harder and do more. I just didn’t feel like I was making a difference no matter what I did. During my last few weeks there,… Read More
This Stuff Freaks Me Out, Too
Last year, I started a veterinary conference for butt-kicking, positive-vibe-creating, happiness-in-vet-practice-finding veterinary business nerds. So far, we’ve had two of these conferences and the third is coming up fast. Before each one of these events, I have gotten similar messages from people who are about to attend. Essentially, they say: “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m… Read More