Okay, okay… I know. We are supposed to charge for our time. I am a huge advocate for charging appropriately for all our hard work. I am a dentist/oral surgeon, after all. As a group, we all need to recognize extraction of a canine tooth is worth more than 25 bucks. But, I will admit,… Read More
Yes, You Can Have It All, But…
For as long as I can remember, I have been an overachiever. It wasn’t enough to get an ‘A’ in a class, I wasn’t happy unless I had the top grade. In high school, I did a little bit of everything: student council, band, track, National Honor Society, church youth group, I tried it all… Read More
6 Truths About Transitioning From Vet School to the Real World
You escape the vet school bubble only to find that the world continued to revolve without you. Everyone on the outside is four years further into their careers and financial savings, and you are just learning to leave the nest for the first time (likely with lots of debt). Suddenly your decisions go from “How… Read More
What Appliqué Taught Me About Teaching Students
Every year at my week-long quilt retreat, I meet up with friends and indulge in my favorite pastime. Even though I am a doctor, and you’d think nothing about quilting could be scary, there are things I’m reluctant to try. Appliqué (APP-lik-ay) was one of those things. I had made a star quilt for a… Read More
Making Your Relationship With Vet Med Last
One of the things that makes me so passionate about this field is the adrenaline that comes with it. The awesome feeling of a correct diagnosis. The self-esteem boost when a sick patient goes home after an extended stay. The rush of adrenaline when you go into an emergency surgery and walk out of the… Read More
What Running and an Old Cat Carrier Taught Me About Life
James was my heart kitty. He was like a little person. He had stress-induced asthma and I used to sing to him (“Sweet Baby James”) in the car – when we drove cross-country from California, where he was born in an old church, or when I had to take him to the emergency clinic… Read More