It’s March 2nd, and it’s -27 degrees Celsius outside. Minus. Twenty. Seven. And I ain’t even mad. Maybe I should be. I mean, technically spring is only three weeks away. But I’m not. I’m not because I know that spring on the Canadian prairies – our real spring – comes when it’s good and ready…. Read More
What to Do When the Grass IS Greener
Guess what you guys?! After 15 years (yes you read that right 15 years!!!) at my animal hospital, I accepted a new job. I didn’t think it would ever happen, but something came along that made me want to get outside of my comfort zone for a whole lot of personal growth and even some… Read More
Why I Would Not Do an Internship Again
Last year I did a rotating internship. When I tell people about my year I have a stock response that I can dole out on demand. I have told my grandma, my new co-workers, my high school friends, and everyone in-between the same synopsis. It goes like this: “Last year I did a veterinary rotating… Read More
How Your Attitude Affects the Outcome
Have you ever thought about a scenario and said, “Well I would have approached that differently?” Maybe even thinking that a different approach could have created a better outcome. Even though we shouldn’t judge our colleagues on how they practice medicine we might still judge them a little on how they present their knowledge. The… Read More
Ghosting: The New (Terrible) Trend in Vet Medicine
So, it happened to me again. I’ve been ghosted. If I had a $1 for every time I’ve been ghosted by a man I was personally interested in, I’d be rich. If I had one for every time a candidate ghosted me, I’d be even richer. In case you’re unfamiliar with the word, the Webster… Read More
My Dog Died When I Was Away on Holiday
Yes, to me the unexpected happened, a pet owners’ worst nightmare. I was going on a 2-week vacation to the Caribbean with my husband. A long-awaited mental break after an exhausting year. Our dog Jack always went next door to my neighbors, literally his home away from home. I dropped him off, gave him a… Read More