Think for a moment about the nastiest client you have in your practice. The one who has made you and others in your clinic feel awful in every way possible. What did that person do or say? How long have you remembered it? Now, think about your favorite pet owner. The one who brightens your… Read More
Need to Vent? Are You Sure?
“This is a safe space, right? Great. Let me tell you how awful yesterday and my boss and my techs and my job and my clients and the other vets and my kids’ school and our government are. Then I’ll feel better.” You’ve heard something like this before. You’ve probably said something like this before… Read More
Don’t Waste Energy on the Negative
Once upon a time, working in veterinary medicine was regarded as a selfless profession. Everyone employed in the hospital knew at a young age that taking care of animals was their calling. We had more people than we needed to fill vacant jobs and had stacks of resumes from determined people wanting to get their… Read More
How I Navigate Moments of Discrimination from My Clients
I’m kneeling next to Baxter examining his toe. Baxter is a sweet old pit-bull mix that is patiently letting me hold his foot as I stare at an ugly tumor that is growing from his nail bed. The growth is bleeding and the owner had it wrapped in a make-shift bandage. I’m doing all the… Read More
True Confessions of a Bottle Shaker
I’m a Certified Veterinary Practice Manager and I’ve been doing this for more years than I care to admit. I’m knowledgeable in most of the well-managed practices, I promise. You want to talk about my ACT or have me list my ABC products? Let’s do it – but there’s one exception: Hi, my name is… Read More
“Can I Pick Your Brain?” – Surviving Holiday Parties
“Hey, remember me? We met at the swimming pool last summer. Can I ask you a question about my cat?” If you are in veterinary medicine, you’ve been on the receiving end of this conversation. I don’t care if you work exclusively on fixing the practice air conditioner… if people know you have been inside… Read More