Have you ever wondered “why me?” when faced with a tragedy? Do you find the silver lining or do you wallow in self-pity? Everyone deals with tragedy in different ways, but what if you could recognize that it happened for a reason? And that reason was a positive one? Life never ceases to overwhelm us… Read More
Use Your Gut
Veterinary medicine isn’t just about science. Sometimes it’s about a gut feeling. You know that feeling when you are doing a procedure and things just don’t seem right. Or when you are examining a dog and you get that feeling that it’s about to turn on you. That gut feeling usually helps us become better… Read More
Haters Gonna Hate: Are We Just Gonna Stand by and Take It?
Surfing the web today I came across an online review directed at a veterinary hospital and a specific veterinarian in a small community. Reading it made me angry, but then I realized that I don’t have to remain silent. This review was not about me or about my practice, but it quite easily could have… Read More
Not My Millennials
I’ve got a problem with the millennial mentality. You’ve heard that before, but this time is different. My problem is not millennials themselves, it’s the mentality about them that bothers me. I love to learn and am constantly utilizing the number of resources available to help the veterinary professional grow. Lately, however, I have noticed… Read More
Bubble Baths for Burnout? I Don’t Think So
We have heard it all before. If you’re feeling burnout at work, do some things to help relieve your stress. Binge a show on Netflix, get a massage, and take a long bubble bath. But, what happens when you’re a person who hates sitting still? It’s no surprise that after 15 years in the veterinary… Read More
How Selfies Saved My Career
In 2014, I was teetering on the edge. I was burned out and tired of being a vet and I had only been one for five years. I spent a lot of time thinking about what jobs I might do instead, but would always boomerang back to “but it cost so much, and I worked… Read More