Recently I was part of an argument in a comments section on Facebook. I told myself not to get involved but after seeing so many veterinary technicians and veterinarians beaming with pride regarding our profession I couldn’t sit back and not defend my colleagues. The medical community is vast- Human physicians, dentists, psychologists, pharmacists, nurses,… Read More
7 Things MDs Can Learn From Veterinarians
My daughter and I have chronic illnesses that took a long time and many doctors to diagnose. We’ve met some outstanding doctors and others that have frustrated us and dismissed our suffering. I’m a veterinarian, and during this journey I’ve learned many things from the physicians we’ve met that have helped me be a better… Read More
5 Reasons Wonder Woman Could Have Been a Vet
I’m very picky with my movie choices. I mean, I don’t have a lot of free time to begin with and movies are expensive so if I’m going to spend an afternoon seeing one, I don’t want to screw around. It better be good. To be honest I wasn’t even planning on seeing Wonder Woman,… Read More
How Yoga Made Me a Better Vet
I think of myself as someone who loves yoga. I say to my friends, “I should do more yoga. I miss it.” But in reality, I’m a yoga dropout – a person who used to take a yoga class now and then, and now nurses my tight muscles after running and wishes for more hours… Read More
What a Tough Week Taught Me About Life With Pets
Today was mentally taxing. It was the kind of day where you realize that you’ve been working for eleven hours and you’ve only had a granola bar. When your head finally hits a pillow, you’re so tired the room is spinning but you can’t shut your brain off. My alarm will buzz in five hours,… Read More
Why Veterinarians Should Care About the NIH Budget
As I read the news of the President’s recent budget proposal, my heart was in my throat. There were many devastating cuts to things that I cared about, but far and away the one that brought me to tears was the cut to the National Institutes of Health, which provides the vast majority of grants… Read More