We all tend to have a slightly glamorous vision of veterinary careers. We like to imagine ourselves changing the lives of every client, patient and stray animal that crosses our path every single day. Then our careers begin and we are bombarded with the not-so-glamorous aspects: the medical records, inoperable tumors, anal gland explosions, crazy… Read More
Why We Fail Pets When We Judge Pet Owners
Years ago, I worked for a small animal clinic in Fleming Island, Florida. The area was becoming more developed, but there was still a lot of rural area around, with a majority of old country folks living there. Our clinic saw mostly dogs and cats, with birds and exotics making up the balance. One day,… Read More
Stop Counting Victories in Saved Lives
Several days ago, a client was waiting for a procedure to be finished on her “therapy cat,” which she can’t be separated from. Interpret that how you will, but it’s safe to say this client would fall into the “high maintenance” category. To be honest, I am not sure she is from this planet originally…. Read More