A 6 month-old bearded dragon presents for shaking and not eating. Dr. Doug Mader walks us through the best way to approach this case and discusses why Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) is a term we should think twice about using. Cone Of Shame Veterinary Podcast · COS 133 Dr. Doug Mader on The Broken Bearded… Read More
Anesthesia Best Practices for the Urethral Obstruction Cat (HDYTT)
Tasha McNerney CTV VTS CVPP joins us to discuss the case of Hercules Mulligan. a 4 yo MN Domestic Shorthair who cannot urinate. That’s right… This poor guy has a urethral obstruction and will need anesthesia and pain control STAT! What are the top tips and tricks for handling these cases? What mistakes do doctors… Read More
Budrow the Itchy, Soft-Stomach Dog (HDYTT)
Dr. Jason Gagné, a Board-Certified Veterinary Nutritionist and Purina’s Director of Veterinary Technical Communications, is on to help Dr. Andy Roark sort out a tough case. Budrow is a 3 year-old mix breed dog with waxing-and-waning bouts of diarrhea and vomiting, and year-round allergies. His owners have tried all sorts of drugs and diets on… Read More
New Research – Wellness for Vets, Staff & How They Differ
Guest: Dr. Addie Reinhard – It’s no surprise that both veterinarians and their support staff have high rates of burnout, but are these groups experiencing stress for the same reasons? What can individuals do to reduce these stresses? What can practices do to protect their people, and what role does personal autonomy play in all… Read More
Straining to Pee and the TCC
Professor Biscuit has been having some blood in his urine, and Dr. Roark is seeing something that doesn’t look right in the poor guy’s bladder. Today we talk with Veterinary Oncologist Dr. Sandra Bechtel about Transitional Cell Carcinoma and how we can best approach it. Let’s get into it! Cone Of Shame Veterinary Podcast ·… Read More
Heart Smart: Nutritional Interventions for the Canine Cardiac Patient Webinar Replay
In this fun and informative webinar sponsored by our friends at Purina, Dr. Martha Cline shares how nutrition can play a part in canine heart health! Read More