Not too long ago, I was put in a position that was out of my control and my thoughts drifted into a negative space. I was hurt and felt like maybe my voice should be silenced. Maybe I didn’t belong anymore, and I should just walk away from a career that has been my life… Read More
Ghosting: The New (Terrible) Trend in Vet Medicine
So, it happened to me again. I’ve been ghosted. If I had a $1 for every time I’ve been ghosted by a man I was personally interested in, I’d be rich. If I had one for every time a candidate ghosted me, I’d be even richer. In case you’re unfamiliar with the word, the Webster… Read More
Don’t Waste Energy on the Negative
Once upon a time, working in veterinary medicine was regarded as a selfless profession. Everyone employed in the hospital knew at a young age that taking care of animals was their calling. We had more people than we needed to fill vacant jobs and had stacks of resumes from determined people wanting to get their… Read More
Finding the Silver Lining When Faced with Tragedy
Have you ever wondered “why me?” when faced with a tragedy? Do you find the silver lining or do you wallow in self-pity? Everyone deals with tragedy in different ways, but what if you could recognize that it happened for a reason? And that reason was a positive one? Life never ceases to overwhelm us… Read More
The Number One Reason Vet Techs Leave the Field in Droves
It seems that our profession has more people with toxic personalities than ever before, and more veterinary technicians are leaving the field in droves because of it. Many of us have come across that one person that thinks they are the center of the universe in the hospital. Maybe they have been employed there the… Read More
Why Front Desk Staff Are the Unsung Heroes of Vet Med
Imagine walking into an animal hospital without someone at the front desk to greet you. Read More