Dr. Ivan “Zak” Zakharenkov joins the show to talk about a recent article of his, and the wellness research he is doing in the veterinary industry. He and Dr. Andy Roark discuss the impacts of production-based compensation on wellness and well-being, and how veterinary teams might be compensated in a more satisfying way. Cone Of… Read More
No, This Meeting Could Not Have Been An Email
Every now and then, I like to hike my pants up to my nipples, slap a frown on my face, and shake my fist at kids in my yard. That’s what’s happening right now. You know how it’s become popular for people to kvetch about work gatherings and say “That meeting could have been an… Read More
Translating Human Medical Experiences to Vet Med
Kelsey Beth Carpenter RVT, or Vet Tech Kelsey as she’s known to her adoring fans, is a registered veterinary technician, singer/songwriter, and all-around creative genius. Her humorous takes on veterinary medicine can be found across the internet, and today she joins the podcast to discuss what she has learned about veterinary medicine from her own… Read More
A Pirate Looks At Vet Med
Last week one of my idols died, and last night I had a dream about him. It wasn’t a particularly exciting dream. Just me and Jimmy Buffett sitting and talking in an empty theater. I wish I could remember what we talked about, but I can’t. I just remember him smiling and laughing and me… Read More
Let’s Hang Out: The Importance of Interpersonal Connection
I am a big believer that the cornerstone of happiness in life is our interpersonal relationships. One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that your career, no matter how much you enjoy it or how well it goes, will not give you a rich and full life by itself. At the end of our… Read More
I Am A #MooseTruther
A few weeks ago, my family and I went to Canada to hike, camp, and generally bond with nature and each other. In the days leading up to this trip, my wife revealed to me her greatest wish for our vacation: she wanted to see a moose. As my family stood before our rental car… Read More