Last week I saw a cat that had gained 2 lbs since her last visit. I stood at the computer and double checked what I was seeing. Why would this 4 year-old cat suddenly gain 25% of her body weight in 6 months? I decided then and there that I would have an honest conversation… Read More
Would You Give 5 Minutes to Help a Friend?
Imagine a friend of yours had a setback that was ruining her day. A setback that would really only take 5 minutes of work to resolve. Would you help her? Would you jump in and give 5 minutes of your time and energy to prevent this person you care about from feeling angry or defeated?… Read More
What Does the Modern Pet Owner Actually Want?
Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant (CABC), joins Dr. Andy Roark to discuss what modern pet owners want. Steve explains the rise of the “fur baby” and how that cultural shift has intersected with a larger demand for convenience and immediate service. Steve imagines what the desired pet owner experience looks like today, and what… Read More
A Blueprint for Vet Team Retention & Wellness?
Dr. Brian Bourquin joins the podcast to discuss the new NOMV C.L.E.A.R. Blueprint. This is a hospital wellness certification program that was recently introduced to veterinary clinics. Dr. Bourquin talks about the certification, the experience of implementing it in his own Boston veterinary practices, and lessons learned along the way. Cone Of Shame Veterinary Podcast… Read More
Exposing the Distinction: Knowledge vs. Experience and Skill
Knowledge is what we know. Experience is what we have acquired by… well… experience. This doesn’t mean experience comes from witnessing perfection or even from past trials going well, but rather from being in the moment and seeing the totality of events. We gain experience only from hearing what was actually said, feeling the emotions… Read More
Intentional Discounting Revisited
Dr. Tannetje’ Crocker joins the podcast to expand on a previous episode where she and Dr. Roark discussed the ethics and implementation of intentional discounting. In this episode, Drs. Crocker and Roark talk about the feedback from that episode, what they see as valid criticism and what they disagree with. The conversation then turns to… Read More