This week on the Cone… Dr. Andy Roark talks with Dr. Tierra Price and Dr. Jeff Tinsley about their journeys to become young leaders in our profession and the experiences they have had making their way as Black veterinarians in a very White profession. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of… Read More
Looking for the Vet On-Off Switch
Veterinarians are a tough crowd. We are high-achieving, motivated, soft-hearted smart people who put a lot of emphasis on getting it right. Who doesn’t do a happy dance when you confirm the Demodex case you diagnosed from 30-feet away as it walked in the door? And who doesn’t kick themselves and bemoan the missed radiographic… Read More
There I Said It…The Veterinary Profession Has a Long History of Being Complacent About Racism
Today’s climate has a lot of people doing their part to educate themselves and fight against a social pandemic: racism. And it has been encouraging to see. But alongside education and vague statements of support must come something else: real change in the form of antiracist policy and behavior changes to break racist culture. Now,… Read More
Fighting Prejudice in the Workplace Starts Within
My ethnic identity can be elusive to others. Sometimes when people first meet me, I can see a search in their eyes, trying to place it. People have guessed I was from a variety of countries and regions around the world, including: all of Latin America, South Asia, the Middle East, and even Polynesia. My… Read More
We Should All Be Able to Reach the Paper Towels
My practice was built by a man who is 6 feet 7 inches tall. A tall man by anyone’s standards. The countertops are tall and the shelves are high. I am the opposite of tall. I am very short, standing at 5 feet 1 inch on a good day. It took me years to be… Read More
Unspoken Truths About COVID-19
This week on the Cone… Dr. Andy Roark and Dr. Anita Link discuss her article on the challenges and unspoken truths about dealing with the COVID pandemic. Article:…oken-truths/ We are supported by PSI Vet!The PSIvet Healthcare Initiative hopes to introduce new ways to ensure all Veterinary Professionals get the healthcare coverage they need. Learn more… Read More