In February of this year, I was chosen to become the new managing DVM of the hospital where I currently work. I was to take over the role April 1st, 2020. At the time I had been out of school for almost 8 years. I was excited. I had so many ideas. I wanted to… Read More
How to Be Thankful During A Pandemic*
But stick with me here. I don’t pretend to actually be able to make this apocalyptic worldwide shutdown into an affirmative self-improvement experience. BUT I do know that some fancy psychologists somewhere report that positive thinking leads to positive being. And so, I have endeavored to show why I think that us veterinarians, do in fact, have a lot to be thankful for during a pandemic. Let me count the ways. Read More
Where Have the Working Moms Gone?
It seemed like a normal work conversation, discussing an after-hours team building activity and the specifics of when and where we could host it. After some back and forth about times and locations, I realized the limiting factor was me, or more specifically the fact that I had a child. You see, on my surgery… Read More
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
Today is a beautiful sunny day. We are quarantined and cannot really go anywhere except for maybe a walk in the neighborhood or outside to do yard work. I had some groceries delivered today, which I had done a few times before this all started, but now it is the only way I shop. Working,… Read More
The Parable of the Chinese Farmer
I have been thinking a lot about one of my favorite stories. It’s over 2,000 years old and is as relevant today as even before. It’s called the Parable of the Chinese Farmer. Here’s how it goes: There once was a poor farmer who worked the soil with his son and their horse, and one… Read More
An Open Letter to COVID-19 from a Graduating Veterinary Student
Dear COVID-19, I could have never imagined you would bring so much fear, uncertainty and change in the lives of thousands of people including myself. I was in Asheville doing my last externship when I heard you were spreading in the United States and there was no vaccine against you. In those moments, I started… Read More