It is the age of the Internet review. We all do it. A new restaurant pops up and we go online to look at the Google reviews. We judge this new place by the experiences of others instead of trusting in our own experience. We may not frequent these places because of a few bad… Read More
5 Ways to Help Vets and Pets This Holiday Season
It is that time of year again where the clinic starts to fill up with goodies from our clients. Typically I call it the, “there goes all of my weight loss progress,” month. Daily we will get chocolates, cookies, cake platters, gift baskets filled with nuts and cheeses, and the occasional healthy dish like a… Read More
The Consequences of Our Actions
We do it sometimes without thinking. Maybe it is instinct. Maybe we don’t realize we are doing it. But as veterinarians, our actions and responses can create a domino effect for fellow veterinarians and ourselves. What exact action am I talking about? Well, that is the action of inadvertently misinforming clients. Again, I don’t think… Read More
Why Veterinarians Should Aspire to Be Like Technicians
I love my technicians. They are the most amazing people and have skills that combine every single specialization in the human nursing field. They don’t get paid enough, in my opinion, and deserve more respect than most clients give them. They are the people we should aspire to be like. When I was fifteen I… Read More
Use Your Gut
Veterinary medicine isn’t just about science. Sometimes it’s about a gut feeling. You know that feeling when you are doing a procedure and things just don’t seem right. Or when you are examining a dog and you get that feeling that it’s about to turn on you. That gut feeling usually helps us become better… Read More
6 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Hospital
I firmly believe that 99 percent of the problems in veterinary hospitals can be overcome with better communication. This is a subject that we hear about in our daily lives, not just in our jobs. Communication can solve a lot of management issues, personnel issues, pet owner/veterinarian issues, etc. Yet so many practices act like… Read More