Josh Vaisman joins Dr. Andy Roark on the Cone of Shame Veterinary Podcast to talk about positive psychology and purpose driven leadership. Together they look at both sides of purpose, how it can be motivating to a team and how it can also be weaponized. They also touch on how purpose should not be prescribed… Read More
How to Reinvent Yourself
Dr. Sarah Boston returns to the Cone of Shame podcast, this time to discuss her career journey, which includes major pivots from academia to comedy. Between slaying dragons, climbing ladders, and dealing with expectations, Dr. Sarah Boston and Dr. Andy Roark provide great insight into reinventing yourself. Cone Of Shame Veterinary Podcast · COS –… Read More
Beware The Chute: Lessons Learned In The Exam Room
Yesterday, I saw an 8-year-old Doberman who had been urinating inappropriately in the house. His name is Bowser and his owner brought him in about two weeks ago for an initial examination with a different doctor. When Bowser first presented, his physical examination was normal and his bladder was completely empty. After a discussion about… Read More
A No BS Guide to Being Fantastic in the Exam Room
People often ask me for my honest, best advice on how to be fantastic in the exam room. I generally don’t give it to them. The reason is that most people want me to say something they can just decide to start doing with minimal or no additional effort compared to what they are already… Read More
It’s Time To Normalize Choreographed Dance
Sometimes we have to take a stand and tell the truth, regardless of the consequences. Yeah, I’ve got a lot to lose. Sure, I’m probably not the best messenger to speak on this topic. Also, I have zero data to support my position. Still, I don’t care. Here goes: Dancing in clinical medicine is wildly… Read More
Where New Ideas Come From
When I was first invited by DVM Newsmagazine (Now DVM360) to write a column for their magazine, I stalled for time. “Let me think about it,” I said. I was honestly pretty unsure about my ability to write 12 columns in a year that would actually make sense, provide some value to at least a… Read More