Do you ever have those *headdesk* moments where you just can’t understand why something was branded a certain way? I feel that way about #socialdistancing. Don’t worry, I understand the concept and why it’s important, I’m an asthmatic and my husband is a double-lung transplant patient, I get it. But it doesn’t change that heart-wrenching… Read More
Applying Braces in an Uncertain World
I have a confession that I’m not proud of: This week I went through my first round of serious coronavirus-related anxiety. Even though I’ve been living in a country with the disease for over 2 months, I let my guard down and let my anxiety get the best of me this week. Some background: My… Read More
Pixie’s Story of Hope, Kindness and Second Chances
She had been seen wandering around the country roads for at least three days, an old black lab with a graying face. Every day she seemed to get slower and slower and she became weaker and weaker. Finally, one evening, when she couldn’t wander anymore, too sick, hungry and dehydrated to go on anymore, she… Read More
How NOT to Stay Sane in Veterinary Medicine
This week on the cone… Dr. Andy Roark and Jada Lewis CVT sit down to discuss her article “12 Things NOT to do in Veterinary Medicine (If You Want To Be Sane)”. You can read the original article here:…-want-to-be-sane/ If you want to join the Uncharted community to see the April conference online, head over… Read More
What Do I Really Want From Vet Medicine?
I’ll admit it, I’m one of those people who wanted to be a veterinarian since I knew I had to have a “grown-up job.” I read James Herriot over and over as a kid and had high expectations for what life would be like once I “made it.” I was devasted to learn that it… Read More
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Veterinary Hospital
Okay, I admit it, I drank the Marie Kondo Kool-Aid and, like Colbert said on her Late Show appearance, given the chance, I would probably follow Marie Kondo to her cult compound and stay with her forever. Recently, I moved into a very small home. I was already on board with a more minimalist lifestyle,… Read More