In this episode of the Cone of Shame podcast, Dr. Andy Roark interviews Dr. Tracy Witte from Auburn University on her new publication in JAVMA. Dr. Tracy Witte is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Auburn University, as well as a licensed psychologist. Her research is primarily focused on understanding and preventing… Read More
Financial Self-Care in Veterinary Medicine
What sort of activities do you envision when you hear the words “self-care?” Maybe it’s a walk in the woods or meditation? A day at the spa or a round of golf? Playing with the kids or taking a vacation. Catching up on your favorite shows? Sure, these activities can provide relief from anxiety and… Read More
Emotional Blackmail in Vet Medicine With Dr. Sarah Boston
This is the first episode of the Cone of Shame Show! We will be doing a pilot season here for the Cone, with new episodes publishing on Sundays. Today’s guest is Sarah Boston, DVM, DVSc, Dipl ACVS. She is an ACVS Founding Fellow of Surgical Oncology and an ACVS Founding Fellow Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery…. Read More
Compartmentalization: Does It Help or Hurt Vet Med?
I took a dry eraser and wiped the patient’s name off the whiteboard. I neatly filed their treatment sheet in their medical record. Moments before I heard the owners sobbing in the exam room down the hall. Hours before I had changed my patients bedding, pet them and kindly syringe-fed them. I knew they were… Read More
I’m Still Here Fighting, and You Should Be, Too
This article contains detailed discussion of suicide and suicide methods. If you are having thoughts of suicide, text 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor right away or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) The topic of suicide is a potential trigger for those struggling with feelings of guilt after the loss… Read More
Drug Restriction Doesn’t Address the Causes of Suicide… and Seat Belts Don’t Address the Causes of Auto Accidents
Suicide in veterinary medicine is rampant, and one of the two most common means of suicide among veterinarians is pharmaceutical poisoning1. In cases where suicide is an impulsive decision [in one study, 48% of suicide attempt survivors said they made an attempt within 10 minutes of making the suicide decision2], restricting access to lethal medications… Read More