My dog is my constant companion. I take him everywhere with me. I choose restaurants based on their patio and dog/patio policy. He is one of the joys of my life. I love him unreasonable amounts. He is awesome. I could go on. I will go on, later. What he is not, however, is a… Read More
It’s Time To Talk About Declaws
Some people in the general public would like to believe that declawing a cat is a friendly little procedure where those pesky nails are magically and painlessly removed and the cat is returned to them, neutralized and unable to destroy the furniture. Even the word declaw, which is distinctly nonmedical, implies that it is no… Read More
Clients Behaving Badly: A Day in the Life
Recently, I saw a dog for a sarcoma. The consultation was arranged after the owner was yelling at our staff in the waiting area that he needed be seen immediately for the tumour that had been growing on his dog’s leg for the past year and was not bothering the dog. However, he had spent… Read More
Can I be a SuperVet and have a Superlife?
Can I be a SuperVet and have a Superlife? The latest Tweet from #SuperVet would suggest no, you can’t. @SupervetNF is a friend and colleague. I admire him for many reasons, but his latest tweet got me thinking. It said: “The patient always comes first, and that may be at the cost of your own… Read More
Fuzzy the Cat – A Christmas Story
It was Christmas, 1997 and I was living in Edmonton, AB. There were three vets at the small animal practice where I worked. The boss and owner was named Sue, but I’ll call her Schmoo, because that is what I called her when I was not speaking directly to her. My husband decided to go back… Read More
The World’s Most Horrifying Christmas Sweater
My parents had a black standard poodle named Connie. Connie was short for Lady Constance of Boston Manor. (My parents are British and funny and love dogs.) Like most standard poodles, Connie needed regular grooming at what my mom likes to call the “poodle parlour”. Somewhere along the way, my mom learned that you could… Read More