I’m a Floridian living in Canada. When I went home to visit family last year, my wife and I took a trip to Key West at Thanksgiving. Key West is a magical place, a whole different world in Miami’s backyard. You’ll meet all kinds of people there and probably a few characters, much like in… Read More
You Can’t Hide Behind Social Media
With the changes in technology it has made it so much easier to feel a sense of community in vet med. You have web pages like this one. Veterinarians and support staff have their own Instagram pages, Tumblr Blogs and LinkedIn profiles. There are VIN message boards and VetMedTeam for learning. Technology has created an amazing… Read More
The Rural Vets Are Dying and They Need Your Help
Picture this. You have just graduated or are looking for a new job. There are a lot of clinics looking for veterinarians at this time, so you feel like you will have the pick of the litter. When you browse through those “veterinarian wanted” ads, you see a great clinic offering a nice salary, decent… Read More
Why My Recheck Exams Are Absolutely Free (And It’s Not Why You Think!)
Okay, okay… I know. We are supposed to charge for our time. I am a huge advocate for charging appropriately for all our hard work. I am a dentist/oral surgeon, after all. As a group, we all need to recognize extraction of a canine tooth is worth more than 25 bucks. But, I will admit,… Read More
Why We Love, Love, Love our Veterinary Technicians
Veterinarians would be lost, no, we would be nothing, without veterinary technicians. We would be sad, lonely, tired, overwhelmed, and totally broke. As I was working today, a very busy Saturday, I walked out of exam room after exam room to see my technicians scurrying by handling a mega-pile of tasks. Draw the blood, catch… Read More
We Define Us: How to Use Coping Mechanisms For Good
As a trauma survivor, I live with C-PTSD. It is a little different than PTSD but the impact on my daily life is similar. The C stands for complex or chronic and it gets put there when the traumatic event wasn’t singular, when it was long term, like growing up in a war zone. One… Read More