Dr. Andy Roark and Dr. Amanda Doran review canine euthanasia. This is an excellent episode for anyone on the healthcare team and we hope it will be a great refresher and conversation starter for veterinary teams. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the… Read More
Thanks for the Reminder to Feel
As vets, we have wins and losses. That’s the job. And amidst challenging clients, long work hours, insurmountable debt, huge caseloads and attempts at work/life balance, it is easy to lose track of why we entered this field. We advocate for the innocent, we heal those who are deeply loved (and in that process, those… Read More
The Things We Say at the End
As a small animal house-call vet, about 20 percent of my practice is hospice or euthanasia care. I’ve seen quite a variety of reactions of people to their pet’s passing and I’m always struck when people apologize for their emotions, or things they say to their pet at the end. As a lifetime pet owner and… Read More
Why We Should Stop Trying for a Perfect Euthanasia
Talking with other veterinarians about hospice is something I do every day. I’m in a Facebook group online called Veterinarian Palliative Medicine, and I can be happy for hours comparing notes and techniques with my colleagues, knowing they will understand my struggles. Recently we had a heartfelt discussion about getting over the anxiety of providing… Read More
When Euthanasia is the Best Option
Euthanasia… it is a touchy subject. A lot of people don’t like discussing it. It has a stigma to it. People assume that if you are euthanizing an animal you are just giving up on them or that you don’t care anymore. Read More
Why I Support Pet Owners Who Drop Their Pets Off for Euthanasia
If there’s one thing I’ve learned being in hospice practice it’s that every grief journey is different. Read More